Helping schools, education and youth organisations have a positive impact on young people’s lives by enabling them to understand what’s working and do less of what isn’t.

Trusted by leaders across the education system:

Making better decisions through good evidence
We provide specialist evaluation support to the education and youth sector, helping you to understand where you are making the biggest impact and target your resources.
Education and youth specialists
Working with over 1,500 schools and more than 80 charities and businesses, our team of evaluators and partnership managers provide support tailored to the education, youth and school sector.
High-impact tools
We know that evaluation is not always easy. Whether it is automating data collection from schools or visualising impact, we use digital tools to make the evaluation process quicker, easier and more effective.
Nimble and partnership focused
We are rigorous but pragmatic. We take time to understand your context, ensuring the evaluations we deliver work for your context, can be scaled, and are proportionate.
Innovative methods
By using our national datasets and benchmarking tools we can help you reliably gauge your impact on outcomes such as wellbeing, attendance or exclusions - at lower costs than would be possible through traditional evaluation methods.
Build capacity
You might have an in-house data and evaluation team, or you might not. We can scale up and scale down to meet your needs and grow capacity.
Improve quality
Analysing data without knowing how meaningful it is? We can help to improve the effectiveness of your programmes and interventions.
Demonstrate value
Share your impact with stakeholders and potential funders, and make the best use of your existing resources.

How can we support you?
Wherever you are in your journey, we are here to help. Work with our team of consultants to measure the impact of your interventions or service and build capacity for effective monitoring and evaluation in your organisation, school or Trust.

We work with organisations across the impact cycle
You might be at an early stage of your impact reporting, wanting to develop your approach to monitoring and evaluation. Or you might be working through challenges like how to best collect data from young people or report to stakeholders. Wherever your organisation is in the process, we are here to support.
Tailored to your needs
We support schools and organisations with evaluation design, data collection, data analysis and reporting. We can work flexibly: you may want support in developing your internal systems while also commissioning an independent evaluation. We tailor our approach to your requirements and aim to build long-term, sustainable partnerships.
How we work
We have a set of principles that guide all our work:
Each partnership is managed by a dedicated lead, with experience in education and youth as well as research and evaluation
We are pragmatic: working with schools and young people can be complicated and our evaluation approach responds to your needs
We make evaluation accessible. We aim to build the capacity of our partners while we work with them. We are more than data analysts - we want to help you maximise the impact of your work.

Data collection in schools
We provide specialist evaluation support to the education and youth sector, helping you to understand where you are making the biggest impact and target your resources.

Partnership details
For more detail on the types of projects we can support, open up the sections on the right.
We support organisations in designing robust but pragmatic evaluations, usually starting with a Theory of Change process to define key outcomes.
We provide organisations with the tools and capacity to collect high quality data, including the use of our School Impact Platform, designing evaluation frameworks and assessing internal impact readiness.
We have experience analysing and interpreting a wide range of datasets, using methods from thematic qualitative approaches to inferential statistics.
We are passionate about creating outputs that can be shared with key stakeholders in an accessible way that informs action.
Understanding the drivers of low attendance

Evaluation resources
Our latest research, campaigns, events and news
Get in touch
To speak to one of our senior team about how we could support your work, please get in touch