Measuring your school's impact beyond attainment
An increasing number of our school partners are focused on how to measure impact holistically beyond pupil attainment. This might include focusing on factors such as young people’s wellbeing, other school data such as attendance or behaviour, or non-cognitive skills linked to academic outcomes such as metacognition or self-efficacy.
ImpactEd Evaluation supports schools in this process through:
- Access to robust measures: the School Impact Platform includes academically validated and peer-reviewed measures of outcomes such as pupil wellbeing, motivation, self-efficacy, school engagement and metacognition. These are typically in the form of short pupil questionnaires.
- Making data collection and analysis easy: measures are pre-loaded within the School Impact Platform, and schools can add their own bespoke measures. All data collection takes place through a simple link from the platform, and results are automatically scored and displayed on live reporting pages as they come in.
- Comparison to national benchmarks: all our validated measures are shown compared to national averages from over 150,000 young people that have completed measures though the School Impact Platform to put your data in context
This allows schools to rigorously measure impact beyond pupil grades without adding significantly to teacher and pupil workload.
Rethinking whole-school assessment
Surrey Square Primary School are part of the Rethinking Assessment project which aims to recognise the full range of young people’s strengths beyond assessment in exams.
To realise this aim, they use the School Impact Platform to evaluate their performance on a range of measures. ImpactEd Evaluation’s validated pupil questionnaires for pupil wellbeing and anxiety are run with young people termly to track how their mental welfare varies over the course of the year relative to national averages. In addition, specific measures are then used to measure the impact of particular school focuses - these have included developing presentation skills, teamworking, and embedding of the school values.
As well as providing a powerful holistic evidence base within the school for their pupils’ learning, this data powers conversations directly with young people. For example, the wellbeing measure is used to identify children who are struggling so the teachers with the strongest relationships with those young people can reach out directly. It helps drive the school’s mission statement of ‘‘Personal and academic excellence; everyone, every day.’
Kathryn Puch, Assistant Headteacher, Surrey Square Primary School:
“At SSQ we prioritise personal attributes equally to the academic. Working with ImpactEd Evaluation has allowed us to measure the wellbeing and other traits of our students across the school using age-appropriate surveys that are academically validated and allow national comparison. The analyses enable us to individualise interventions and support to increase wellbeing and reduce anxiety. The surveys have been a really useful tool in identifying children who are not feeling ok and need support.”
Get in touch
To speak to one of our senior team about how we could support your work, please get in touch