Supporting Teaching School Hubs to evaluate their impact

ImpactEd Evaluation helps Teaching School Hubs to:
- Understand the strengths and development areas in the experiences of participants on their programme.
- Evaluate if impact may vary depending on which local delivery partner is facilitating a particular programme.
- Realise the local perceptions of the TSH, and how this might differ according to Local Authority, Trust and school.
- Learn how the Hub might be able to increase its impact on participation and senior leaders, over both the short and long-term.
This helps TSHs ensure that they are focusing on the most effective practice, to benefit both teachers and pupils.
Developing a Theory of Change and Evaluation Framework
We have worked with the South West Institute for Teaching (SWIFT) to run a Theory of Change (ToC) workshop, and to develop a finalised ToC that SWIFT could use to better monitor and evaluate their work.
A Theory of Change can be used for a variety of purposes such as coming to a shared understanding of your intended impact, communicating effectively, keeping decision-making focused, planning your future work, and supporting you to conduct a robust evaluation.
After developing the ToC, we then worked with SWIFT to create an Evaluation Framework, which supported SWIFT with understanding how exactly they would measure their impact. This consisted of researching into academically validated measures that they could use to survey participants.
A number of the Teaching School Hubs that we work with look at similar measures, such as teachers’ engagement with research and development, teacher wellbeing, job satisfaction and retention.
Martin Smith, Director, South West Institute for Teaching:
"Working with ImpactEd Evaluation has supported our team to understand how we might look at evaluating the impact of our TSH, on all of our stakeholders – teacher-level, school-level and system-level. We are now using the evaluation framework to help us collect consistent and rigorous data to help us improve our programmes and show the effect of our work to partners and supporters."
Get in touch
To speak to one of our senior team about how we could support your work, please get in touch