Informing changes to CoachBright’s programmes to maximise impact on pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds

CoachBright is a social mobility charity that runs coaching programmes in schools across England, with a focus on academic and emotional development for disadvantaged pupils. They have partnered with ImpactEd Evaluation since 2017 to evaluate their academic tutoring programmes using the School Impact Platform to collect data.
CoachBright’s Data Manager explained that the benefits of collaborating with ImpactEd Evaluation have been two-fold.
Maddie Kilagrriff, Data Manager at CoachBright:
"Firstly, the ability to demonstrate the impact of our work via an independent and reputable source, and secondly, to build a more in-depth understanding of our programmes that can be used to make constructive changes to implementation. For example, our 2021/2022 ImpactEd report indicated that the positive impact of our programmes was larger for KS4 pupils than for KS5. With this in mind, we began to focus on ways of differentiating our implementation across key stages to maximise impact for KS5 pupils.
Our key point of contact is very positive and efficient, and shows a good depth of knowledge of both on-the-ground conditions in schools and important factors in impact measurement. In general, working with ImpactEd Evaluation has been a really positive experience."
For the first time in 2022-23, CoachBright also explored the impact that their work has on school attendance, and were excited to see that their Peer to Peer programme improved the school attendance of persistently absent pupils by 11%. Their latest report can be found here.
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